It can be pretty scary when you notice a lump on your pet. One day you could have sworn it wasn’t there, and then, all of a sudden, there’s a bump you hadn’t felt before. Naturally, your first instinct is that your pet has some form of cancer and your mind will begin racing. However, it may not be as bad as you believe. That is why you need to bring your pet to Best Pets Animal Clinic for screening if you live in the greater Georgetown area. 


A Mass Doesn’t Always Mean Cancer

Naturally, the first thing you probably think of when it comes to a mass on your pet is cancer or something else serious. While it may be cancer, that isn’t always the case. Many pets will develop masses as they age, which is nothing more than a development of fatty tissue. Certain breeds are more susceptible to this kind of mass. However, even if you look up online and find your pet is one of these, it doesn’t mean you should put off having your pet looked over by a vet. It is important to run a few tests to make sure it isn’t cancer. Because if it is, the sooner it is detected and removed the better chances of recovery for your pet. 

Mass Removal

If the mass is cancer, your pet will need to have it removed right away. If it isn’t, you will have some choices. If the mass isn’t affecting how your pet moves or their overall quality of life there, isn’t a need to have the mass removed. It will likely continue to grow some, which means you might want to have it removed later on down the line, but you can discuss this with your vet. The first step though is to bring your pet in, so you can determine what exactly is going on with the mass. 

Mass Removal Treatment in Georgetown

Often times, a mass on your pet is not cancer. Instead, it is a lump that is nothing more than a fatty mass. If the mass is not cancerous and doesn’t affect their quality of life, you don’t need to have it removed right away. However, if it is cancerous or if you want to have the mass removed, you will want to contact Best Pets Animal Clinic. Our veterinarian will work with you and your pet to make sure they receive the best support and care possible. So, if you’ve detected a mass on your pet, contact us at (502) 867-0740.